FlipDot-Displays can be used to play funny games on.
The demo game rogueflip is inspired by text-console based dungeon games named ‘roguelike’. The following video shows the game in action.

Level Description
Each Level can be created with the tiled map editor. The map dimensions must be a multiple of the dimension of the flipdot display.
This example game world
can be
opened with tiled using the following tileset. The tiles labeled P and C
represent the player and a collectable coin respectively.

An example world looks like the following.

Module Description
Rogueflip is a roguelike dungeon crawler for the flipdot display. Levels can be created with the tiled map editor ( and a corresponding tileset.
- class rogueflip.Game(flipdotdisplay, worldfile='ressources/rogueflip_world.tmx')[source]
A roguelike for a flipdot display.
- check_win_condition()[source]
Check if the player has collected all coins and show the win message.
- move_window(dx, dy)[source]
Move the visible window by the amount of dx*width and dy*height of the flipdotdisplay.