Games ===== FlipDot-Displays can be used to play funny games on. Rogueflip --------- The demo game *rogueflip* is inspired by text-console based dungeon games named 'roguelike'. The following video shows the game in action. .. image:: ../media/simulator_video_thumbnail.png :target: Level Description ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Each Level can be created with the `tiled map editor `_. The map dimensions must be a multiple of the dimension of the flipdot display. This :download:`example game world <../ressources/rogueflip_world.tmx>` can be opened with tiled using the following tileset. The tiles labeled P and C represent the player and a collectable coin respectively. .. image:: ../ressources/rogueflip_tiles.jpg An example world looks like the following. .. image:: ../ressources/rogueflip_world.png Module Description ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: rogueflip :members: :undoc-members: