Source code for flipdotfont

# A lot of bdf fonts can be found at

[docs] class Font: """ read a .bdf font file letter() gets a character and returns a list of 8-bit-integers. example 3x4 "T" [0b11110000, 0b01100000, 0b01100000] """ def __init__(self, filename, width, height): f = open(filename, 'r') self.fontlist = f.readlines() f.close() self.width = width self.height = height
[docs] def letter(self, l): "returns a list of 8-bit-integers that represent the letter" try: letter_index = self.fontlist.index('ENCODING '+str(ord(l))+'\n') except ValueError: # character not found, return a space (ASCII 32) letter_index = self.fontlist.index('ENCODING '+str(32)+'\n') # find the next BITMAP section that belongs to the character bitmap_data = self.fontlist.index('BITMAP\n', letter_index) + 1 # read the bitmap data of the character (hey values) and convert it to # a list of integers letter = [] for i in range(self.height): letter.append(int(self.fontlist[bitmap_data+i], 16)) return letter
[docs] def small_font(): return Font("ressources/fonts/4x6.bdf", 4, 6)
[docs] def big_font(): return Font("ressources/fonts/clR6x12.bdf", 6, 12)
[docs] class TextScroller: """Write Text on Flipdotdisplays. A simple usage with a FlipDot-Simulator is shown in the following. >>> import flipdotfont >>> import flipdotsim >>> import time >>> fds = flipdotsim.FlipDotSim(28, 13) >>> t = flipdotfont.TextScroller(fds, "Hello world.", ... flipdotfont.big_font()) >>> for _ in range(20): ... t.scrolltext() ... ... time.sleep(0.1) """ def __init__(self, flipdotdisplay, text, font): self.fdd = flipdotdisplay self.font = font self.text = text self.changetext(text) self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.statictext(self.text, (self.x, self.y))
[docs] def statictext(self, text, start=(0, 0)): """Show the given given text with the given font on the display.""" for l_index in range(len(text)): letter = self.font.letter(text[l_index]) y1 = start[1] y2 = y1 + self.font.height x1 = start[0] + l_index * self.font.width x2 = x1 + self.font.width for x in range(max(x1, 0), min(x2, self.fdd.width)): for y in range(max(y1, 0), min(y2, self.fdd.height)): """ make the bit pattern of the letter row right-aligned """ letter_row = letter[y-y1] >> (7-self.font.width) """ mask one bit of the pattern """ draw_dot = letter_row & (1<<(x2-x+1)) == (1<<(x2-x+1)) self.fdd.px(x, y, draw_dot)
[docs] def scrolltext(self, step=1): """Scroll the text (one step).""" if abs(self.x) + step >= (len(self.text)//2) * self.font.width: self.x = 0 else: self.x = self.x-step self.statictext(self.text, (self.x, self.y))
[docs] def changetext(self, text): """Change the text and add some spaces.""" self.text = text spaces = max((self.fdd.width // self.font.width) - len(self.text), 0) + 1 self.text = self.text + ' '*spaces self.text = self.text*2
def _clear(self): for y in range(self.fdd.height): for x in range(self.fdd.width): self.fdd.px(x, y, False)
def test_text_scroller(): import flipdotsim import time fonts = [small_font(), big_font(), Font("ressources/fonts/6x9.bdf", 6, 9), Font("ressources/fonts/7x13.bdf", 7, 13)] fdd = flipdotsim.FlipDotSim() for font in fonts: fdd.clear() TextScroller(fdd, "Ha llo", font) time.sleep(0.5) def demo_text_lower(): print("starting text scoller") import displayprovider import time fdd = displayprovider.get_display() print("using display", fdd) txt = TextScroller(fdd, "", small_font()) #time.sleep(1) txt.statictext("labor", (0,8)) #time.sleep(5) if __name__ == "__main__": #test_text_scroller() demo_text_lower()