ATTENTION: The following implementation of a flipdotdisplay was the first
attempt that used a portexpander to control the display. It was replaced by a
arduino based solution that is more reliable and faster. The code is still here
for reference but is no longer supported.
The flipdotdisplay package allows for controlling a physical flipdotdisplay.
It relies on a portexpander that is connected to the display via I²C or SPI
on one hand and to a RaspberryPi on the other hand.
Suppose we would like to show the following pattern in the top left corner
of the display::
First a :py:class:`FlipDotDisplay` display must be created. We use the default
parameters here.
>>> import flipdotdisplay
>>> fdd = flipdotdisplay.FlipDotDisplay()
The new display can now be used to set the pixels
with the :py:meth:`~FlipDotDisplay.px` method.
>>> fdd.px(0,0, True)
>>> fdd.px(0,1, False)
>>> fdd.px(1,0, False)
>>> fdd.px(1,1 True)
After setting the pixels we need one final step to make them visible on the
display with :py:meth:`~FlipDotDisplay.show`.
>>> fdd.show()
A list of default GPIO pins for the modules is 14, 15, 18, 23, 24.
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import MCP23017
import time
import displayprovider
class FlipDotDisplay(displayprovider.DisplayBase):
def __init__(self, address = 0x20, width=28, height=13, module = [18]):
"""Create a display connected via a port expander on the given
I²C-address. The given module list contains GPIO-ports that connect
the RaspberryPi with the the module in the display."""
super().__init__(width, height)
for m in module:
GPIO.setup(m, GPIO.OUT)
self.pulsewidth = 0.0001
self.module = module
self.ioexp = MCP23017.Portexpander(address, 1)
self.ioexp.config_inout('A', 0b00000000)
self.ioexp.config_inout('B', 0b11100000)
self.ioexp.write_value('A', 0x00)
self.ioexp.write_value('B', 0x00)
self.buffer = []
self.oldbuffer = []
for x in range(width):
col = [False]*height
oldcol = [True]*height
def px(self, x, y, val):
Write a pixel at (x|y) into the buffer.
assert 0 <= x < self.width
assert 0 <= y < self.height
self.buffer[x][y] = val
def flipdot(self, x, y, val):
"""Immediately flip the dot at (x|y) to the given value."""
mod = x // 28 # module number
col = x % 28 # column of current module
a = (y//7<<3) + y%7 + 1 # address of row (y) -> bank A of I/O-Expander
b = (col//7<<3) + col%7 + 1 # address of column -> bank B of I/O-Expander
a = a + 0b10000000
self.ioexp.write_value('A', a)
self.ioexp.write_value('B', b)
a = a + 0b01100000
self.ioexp.write_value('A', a)
self.ioexp.write_value('B', b)
GPIO.output(self.module[mod], GPIO.HIGH) # create a short pulse to enable module
self.ioexp.write_value('A', 0x00)
GPIO.output(self.module[mod], GPIO.LOW)
def printbuffer(self):
Print the buffer onto the terminal.
for y in range(self.height):
for x in range(self.width):
if self.buffer[x][y]:
print("O", end="")
print(".", end="")
def show_deprecated(self, fullbuffer = False):
Show the current buffer on the flip dot display.
Set the fullbuffer-flag to show the whole buffer on the display and
not only the changes.
for x in range(self.width):
for y in range(self.height):
if (self.buffer[x][y] != self.oldbuffer[x][y] or fullbuffer):
self.flipdot(x, y, self.buffer[x][y])
self.oldbuffer[x][y] = self.buffer[x][y]
def show(self):
Maybe a bit faster than show(True)
for x in range(self.width):
mod = x // 28
col = x % 28
b = (col//7<<3) + col%7 + 1
self.ioexp.write_value('B', b)
for y in range(self.height):
a = (y//7<<3) + y%7 + 1
if self.buffer[x][y]:
a = a + 0b10000000
a = a + 0b01100000
try: # TODO Remove this hack
self.ioexp.write_value('A', a)
except OSError:
print("OSError during write to IOExpander")
GPIO.output(self.module[mod], GPIO.HIGH)
#self.ioexp.write_value('A', 0x00)
GPIO.output(self.module[mod], GPIO.LOW)
def led(self, on_off):
# TODO led support for flipdotdisplay - or not?