Source code for fffserial

Module for communicating with the display using a serial interface. The display
is connected to an arduino. This packages helps during the
communication with the device over a serial interface.

import serial  # pip install pyserial
import displayprovider
import configuration

DEVICE = configuration.flipdotdisplay["serialdevice"]
BAUD = configuration.flipdotdisplay["serialbaudrate"]

# TODO handle serial errors

[docs] class SerialDisplay(displayprovider.DisplayBase): """ Serial Display sending commands to an arduino connected to the display. Each command starts with a byte with a command identifier. The following bytes are the command parameters. """ DIMENSION = 0b10010000 "The following two bytes are the width and height of the display." PICTURE = 0b10000001 "The following bytes are the picture data (row by row)." PXSET = 0b10000011 "The following two Bytes X, Y with information about the pixel to set." PXRESET = 0b10000010 "Removing a pixel. The following two Bytes X, Y with information about the pixel to reset." ECHO = 0b11110000 "The following byte is returned." LED_BRIGTHNESS = 0b10000100 "Set the brightness of the LED. The following byte is the brightness."
[docs] def __init__(self, width=4, height=3, serial_device="/dev/ttyUSB0", baud=9600, buffered=True): ''' Create serial display with given dimension. If buffered is True, all calls to px() will write into an internal buffer until a call to show() will send the data. ''' # coordinate information must fit into 7 Bit! assert width < 128 and height < 128, "Serial display dimension is too big!" super().__init__(width, height) # TODO add support for auto configuring dimensions print('open serial device', serial_device) self.ser = serial.serial_for_url(serial_device, baudrate=baud, timeout=1) self.buffered = buffered self.buffer = [False] * (width * height) if not self.display_available(): print("WARNING: display not available")
[docs] def led(self, on_off): 'Turn LED of the display on or off' # TODO add support for brightness if on_off: bs = [SerialDisplay.LED_BRIGTHNESS, 1] else: bs = [SerialDisplay.LED_BRIGTHNESS, 0] self.ser.write(bs)
[docs] def px(self, x, y, val): assert 0 <= x < self.width assert 0 <= y < self.height if self.buffered: self.buffer[y * self.width + x] = val else: bs = [SerialDisplay.PXSET if val else SerialDisplay.PXRESET, x, y] self.ser.write(bytes(bs))
[docs] def show(self): 'Send the content of the buffer to the display using serial interface.' if not self.buffered: # ignoring invocation. return byte_sequence = [SerialDisplay.PICTURE] byte = '0' # Databytes start with 0 for bit in self.buffer: byte += '1' if bit else '0' if len(byte) == 8: byte_sequence.append(int(byte, base=2)) byte = '0' if len(byte) > 1: byte += '0' * (8 - len(byte)) byte_sequence.append(int(byte, base=2)) self.ser.write(bytes(byte_sequence))
[docs] def display_available(self): test_byte = 42 self.ser.write(bytes([SerialDisplay.ECHO, test_byte])) bs = # TODO firmware should not return a string try: return len(bs) == 2 and str(bs, encoding="UTF8") == str(test_byte) except UnicodeDecodeError: # no decoding possible if display is not present. # mainly during testing return False
[docs] def close(self): 'Close the serial device' self.ser.close()
[docs] def demo_simple(): ffd = SerialDisplay(width=28, height=13, serial_device=DEVICE, baud=BAUD, buffered=True) print("sending pixel") ffd.px(10, 10, True)
[docs] def demo_all_onoff(): import time fdd = SerialDisplay(width=28, height=13, serial_device=DEVICE, baud=BAUD) for _ in range(10): print("all on") for i in range(len(fdd.buffer)): fdd.buffer[i] = True fdd.led(True) time.sleep(1) print("all off") for i in range(len(fdd.buffer)): fdd.buffer[i] = False fdd.led(False) time.sleep(1)
[docs] def test_serial(): fdd = SerialDisplay(width=28, height=13, # using a serial dummy device for debugging # serial_device='loop://?logging=debug', buffered=False) fdd.px(10, 10, True) assert fdd.width == 28 assert fdd.height == 13 # turning buffering on fdd.buffered = True fdd.px(10, 10, True) assert fdd.buffer[10 * fdd.width + 10] == True for i in [-1, +1]: assert fdd.buffer[10 * fdd.width + 10 + i] == False fdd.close()
[docs] def demo(): import demos ffd = SerialDisplay(width=configuration.WIDTH, height=configuration.HEIGHT, serial_device=DEVICE, baud=BAUD, buffered=True) demo = demos.RotatingPlasmaDemo(ffd) try: except KeyboardInterrupt: ffd.close()
if __name__ == '__main__': #demo() demo_all_onoff() #demo_simple()