Feinstaub Bridge

Data received as JSON via an HTTP POST request is send over to an MQTT broker. A sample POST request originating from a luftdaten.info sensor is of the following form.

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic
X-PIN: 0
X-Sensor: esp8266-3394227
Content-Length: 412
Connection: close

{"esp8266id": "3394227", "software_version": "NRZ-2017-090",


Ansible can be used to install this tool as a service.

$ ansible-playbook -K playbook-deploy.yml

Look into the playbook-deploy.yaml-file to get more details about the deployment process.

The tool will be installed as supervisord service. The configurtion script is services/supervisor.conf.

Option -K asks for the sudo-Passwort - only needed if daemontools must be installed.

To test the service you can now post a sample request found in the file sample_post.txt in the repo.

curl -d @sample_post.txt -H 'Content-Type: application/json' localhost:8080/feinstaub/json2mqtt


The bottle-Server is configured and run in the following module.


This module runs a bottle webserver and listens for a post request that contains a JSON payload which will be transmitted over to an MQTT broker.

json2mqtt.run.publish(json: dict, topic_prefix: str)[source]

Take a JSON document and publish it to a given MQTT topic prefix.


The default route that is listening to post requests.


Run the bottle-server on the configured http-port.


Setup the MQTT-Client.

If there is an HTTP_PORT environment variable, this will be used as value.

Indices and tables