Source code for

"""This module runs a bottle webserver and listens for a post request that
contains a JSON payload which will be transmitted over to an MQTT broker."""

import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import bottle
import logging
import datetime
import os

# TODO separate routes and logic

HTTP_PORT = 8080
MQTT_HOST = "localhost"
MQTT_TOPIC = "feinstaub/ebike/"
CLIENT = mqtt.Client()

application = bottle.default_app()

[docs]"/feinstaub/json2mqtt") def route_feinstaub_json2mqtt(): """The default route that is listening to post requests.""" # take the json and parse it json_req = bottle.request.json logging.debug("json req received %s", json_req) publish(json_req, MQTT_TOPIC) now = str( publish({"stats/last_update": now, "stats/interval": 120}, MQTT_TOPIC)
[docs]def publish(json: dict, topic_prefix: str): """Take a JSON document and publish it to a given MQTT topic prefix.""" for k in json: val = json[k] if type(val) is list: publish(dict(enumerate(val)), topic_prefix + str(k) + "/") elif type(val) is dict: publish(val, topic_prefix + str(k) + "/") else: t = topic_prefix + str(k) logging.debug("publishing to broker: '%s' '%s'", t, str(val)) CLIENT.publish(topic=t, payload=val, retain=True)
@application.get("/feinstaub") def route_index(): # return page with current values pass
[docs]def setup(): """Setup the MQTT-Client. If there is an HTTP_PORT environment variable, this will be used as value.""" if "HTTP_PORT" in os.environ: global HTTP_PORT logging.debug("using http port from env var HTTP_PORT") HTTP_PORT = os.environ["HTTP_PORT"] logging.debug("connecting to mqtt broker %s", MQTT_HOST) CLIENT.connect(MQTT_HOST) CLIENT.loop_start()
[docs]def run_server(): """Run the bottle-server on the configured http-port.""", host="", port=HTTP_PORT, reloader=True)
if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) setup() run_server()